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Можно ли как то вернуть предметы Хейзел в магаз в баре??? я закупился разной фигнёй а теперь денег не хватает на спа салон с моей зарплатой в 1 копейку я вряд ли накоплю

I tried maxallstats at the start of the game but it seems it didnt work. Can anyone help ?

Says my phone isn't compatible it's a band new high-end phone with 12 gigs of ram🥲

iPhone right? Mac has never been very good with games

Hi, thank you for this great game!

As I'm nearing the end of chapter 2 I'm trying to install chapter 3 on android. I downloaded it from here and from f95 but I always get an error message, that the packet seems invalid when trying to install.

When I google the error the most suggestet solution is deleting the game and gamefiles before installing the new version. But won't that kill my savegames? Is there a way to backup the savegames and re-insert them into the new install?

Hi, so i just downloaded the next release, and when i go to load my latest save it does nothing, and i cant load it in

What should i do?


anyone know how to use the cheat bar thingy in the game


Everything is fine, but why set up that ugly black woman to make people lose interest in playing?


 First love the game so far it's got a very interesting story and amazing graphics. I am having an issue with the game freezing up my system I am running an amd ryzen 7 and 32gigs of ram. I am also stuck on the scavenger hunt I have search in ever area I have available but cannot get passed the first hint.

(1 edit)

Great Game Tho Some of the Hints are just Huh?

tho i do think Sara was a Bit Much!!

how do you update to a newer version

I am incredibly impressed with the sheer contents of the game, well done. Also i like the story


My girlfriend and I can't figure out where Nadia's cosplay outfit is from. I recognize the necklace but can't remember what it's from and it's driving us both wild anyone know who it is?

Yennefers costume?


Кто подскажет, в каком порядке просить помощь девочкам при игре в Кальмаре?


where do I put the saved data

Did you get inspired by specific personalities when creating characters? Cause i just stumbled upon Jamie Jett and she kinda reminds me of Sarah. I wonder if other girls have prototypes IRL


Do we have possibility to kill someone or not?


Finally the MC's not really a dictator


WHY I CAN'T KILL SARAH !? This is so unfair :(


I really want to kill Sarah bro

(2 edits) (-4)

Can we have an option to kill Sarah?  Or at the very least to put her in her place. The MC or Leah would not allow her to do or get away with half her shit IMO....

(Edit) Okay, so I let my emotions get the better of me here. This is probably one of the best stories I've had the pleasure of reading/playing through in a year or more. It does get my blood boiling at times as it should and was most likely intended to do. Great job to the Dev. 


Yeah you right TOTALLY AGREE with you

(1 edit) (-4)

Honestly I think that's really unfair

Absolutely love this game. I have played parts 1 and 2. I have downloaded part 3 on my android phone, it stages then I click install. it keeps saying apk not installed. Any help please 

I played what I could on android but ultimately just switched to pc because it was having problem

Interesting premise for this one. I remember having played it before some time ago and liking it but this time the experience was not so good, still somewhat enjoyable.

I have to start my negative points by saying that I have never seen free roam/sandbox add to experience. Sometimes it don't impact negatively but it never adds. You at least gave us the quest menu with hints (thankyou) but sometimes (by the 40% and 75% quest completion marks if I remember correctly) the lack of quests made the story basically linear.

Some features seem to be forgotten. Money, girl stats, reward/punishment system. They seem to be important at first but I'm guessing during the development they lost importance. If that's the case then this is good. The bad thing is having it at first only (raises this sensation of missing features).

I think knowing/seeing things the MC isn't aware/seeing breaks the imersion.

I absolutely hate this kind of almighty enemy that has all the resources, infinity troops, can produce troops out of nowhere, control everthing. It seems lazy.

You seem to have forgotten about the cameras on the clothing store, the outdoor shower and the bar (for the mischief duo quests), they could have been busted anytime they did something in those locations (Scarlet + Jeane at the store, Leah and Hazel at the bar, Anna at the shower. All I could think during these quests was "why didn't you got the evidence yet you already have it"

Does anyone else have crashing issues on Android?. The game will play for about 10 to 15min then crash. Galaxy tab s7


How to complete the Scavenger hunt?


I wonder the same question 😭


add audio a voice for the girls

What do I do to unlock this this?


I cannot progress either quest on the list

i cant buy the spanking bench

Did you figure it out?  I'm stuck on that part and the part where you have to punish Leah after a service check in the lobby.

(1 edit)

I used all day to get the solution finally, you have to download the 0.60.2, you will see the spanking bench, and then solving the mission about Nadia will unlock the serve in the lobby. I think that is a serious bug. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the same event will not occur in the following content.

I've been stuck on the Professional sports quest for a while, I've just been ignoring it and doing other quests and just finished the Christmas party.

Now my only two active quests are:

Professional sports[2]

A guest from france  [3]

I'm not sure how to proceed, I ve followed leah around and checked every option but nothing prompts a scene. 

the quality and amount of content in the game is crazy one of the best adult games I've played in a long time

Hey, i completed whole game. Now i can say the game is fucking awesome can't wait for chapter 4. But when Chapter 4 is releasing ???

Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble with the android version of the game. I got to the point where it say's I need to continue the quest in chapter 2. I installed the chapter 2 APK download and updated the game, however I still get the same message with Scarlet in the electronic store telling me to upgrade to chapter 2. 

I can start a new game and have some sort of quest for paris which I have no idea what that is as I haven't seen a quest like that yet in my playthrough. 

Am I doing something wrong here?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Can you tell me the exact wording of the quest name and hint. I'll take a look. 

The quest name is Power Curiosity, and the hint was "Now that Sarah knows her power, there aren't many girls left to discover their own. (Talk to scarlet when she's in the electronics store on Thursday morning" I went there and talked to Scarlet, but a notice came up telling me that I needed to download the next chapter from F95. I tried both the itchio and F95 update but no matter what I did I just got the same message popping up. (Don't remember the exact wording of the message and can't check as I switched to the PC version of the game to continue playing.) 

Hope that's helpful, and Love the game! 

Hmm, that is really weird. It is marked correctly to be included in the first chapter. There must have been some sort of error during install for the scene to be missing.

You can try installing chapter 1 again, and see if it works. If it doesn't you can send me an email to for hachihachigames@ with your savegame ( Where are Android game saves stored? ( ) and I'll mark the quest as done for you.

Deleted 293 days ago

I don't think so, although the user experience is very similar. It is Unity, whatever that means :-) 


Help How can obtain submissions ?

It is different for each girl, check the status window and click the button to the right of the girl's name and it will expand and give examples of actions that gives you stats.

hiya I'm having a problem starting the game i was hoping someone could help with. when i open the app a  loading screen opens saying "loading languages (this may take a few seconds) " and....that's it. never finishes loading. my laptop is  pretty good and has run similar games just fine. was wondering if there's a fix

Hello I would like some help because I just started the game ; Where can I find Sarah?

Fateful streams is a glitched quest that doesn't come around until late chap 2(nyx)

I suggest you just ignore it

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